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Jan. 5, 2023

Robert Picard, Maple Leafs/Habs/Nordiques

Robert Picard, Maple Leafs/Habs/Nordiques

NHL veteran Robert Picard shares stories from the Forum [‘The Flower blew right past me first shift of my NHL career!’], Maple Leaf Gardens [‘it was a circus...ringleader: Mr Harold Ballard’], fighting his way through the ‘Q’ [‘John Wensink was a crazy guy’], getting drafted by teams in TWO different professional hockey leagues, being traded to Toronto for ‘The Popcorn Kid’ Mike Palmateer, on and off-ice memories of ‘The King’ Borje Salming, playing with a young pre-Captain Rick Vaive, getting promised at his wedding by the Washington Capitals’ GM that he’d be a ‘lifer’ [and getting traded literally one week later!], and why he today does more pickleball than skating after retiring to South Carolina!

TORONTO LEGENDS is hosted by Andrew Applebaum. 

All episodes available at

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