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April 6, 2023

Travis Snider, Toronto Blue Jays

Travis Snider, Toronto Blue Jays

Former Toronto Blue Jays outfielder Travis Snider joins the podcast from Kirkland WA [home of Costco!] to talk about the life of a [baseball] retiree at 35, learning perseverance over adversity, his love for Cito Gaston & Alex Anthopolous, literally being pulled off the field mid-game in Seattle and being traded to Pittsburgh [‘that was awkward!’], the difference between 4A vs Triple A ballplayers, maximizing his energy, fire & drive until the wheels came off, serving as the 'pacecar' for off-season training, explains his ‘Lunchbox Hero’ nickname [thanks AJ Burnett], and apologizes to all his Canadian Facebook friends for replying to their requests a decade late!

TORONTO LEGENDS is hosted by Andrew Applebaum at

All episodes available at

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